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张涛 |
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流体热工教研室主任,教授。2001年和2004年分别获西安交通大学动力工程及工程热物理专业学士和硕士学位,2004年就职于西南石油乐橙lc8成就人生。任职至今,承担了本科生《工程流体力学》《水力学与水泵》和研究生《实验流体力学》等课程的教学工作,获得全国石油工程设计大赛、研究生能源装备设计大赛等优秀指导教师、校级课堂教学竞赛奖等荣誉。主要科研工作是以计算和实验流体力学为手段对油气开采和输送领域内的支撑剂输送固液、井筒及管道气(液)液等多相流动问题开展研究。近年来主持和主研省部级以上项目十余项,发表文章30余篇,CSCD收录十余篇,获省部级一等奖4项。为《JPSE》《ENERGY & FUEL》《实验流体力学》《中国石油大学学报》《石油钻探技术》等期刊的审稿专家。
乐橙lc8成就人生: 个人简历
●1997.09-2001.07 西安交通大学,热能与动力工程,学士
●2001.09-2004.07 西安交通大学,动力工程及工程热物理,硕士
●2004.07-至今 西南石油大学石油与天然气工程乐橙lc8成就人生任教
乐橙lc8成就人生: 主要研究项目
乐橙lc8成就人生: 代表性成果
●Zhang T,Zeng X J,Guo J C,et al. Numerical simulation on oil-water-particle flows in complex fractures of fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2022,208:109413.
●Zhang T,Li C,Shi Y B,et al. Numerical simulation of proppant directly entering complex fractures in shale gas[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2022,107:104792.
●Zhang T,Li M,Guo J C,et al. Numerical study on mechanism and parameters optimization of temporary plugging by particles in wellbore[J]. SPE Production & Operations,2022,1:135-150.
●Zhang T,Gou H R,Guo J C,et al. Numerical study on particle transport and placement behaviors of ultralow density particles in fracture-vuggy reservoirs[J]. SPE Production & Operations,2022,2:1-14.
●Zhou H Y,Zhang T,Guo J C,et al. Drag coefficient modification for proppant transport in fractures considering wall retardation[J]. Chemical Engineering Research & Design,2022,178:478-487.
●Zhang T,Yang R Y,Guo J C,et al. Numerical investigation on proppant-water mixture transport in slot under high reynolds number conditions[J]. ENERGIES,2020,13:1-22.
●Yang R Y,Zhang T,Guo J C,et al. Experimental and numerical investigations of proppant pack effect on fracture conductivity of channel fracturing[J]. ENERGY SCIENCE & ENGINEERING,2020,8:3995-4013.
●Zhang T,Chen B,Wen S Q,et al. Numerical study on diesel oil carrying water behaviors in inclined pipeline based on large eddy simulation[J]. IEEE ACCESS,2019,7:123219-123230.
●Zhang T,Chen B,Sun K,et al. Study on the Law of diesel oil carrying water in anzhou-chengdu- chongqing product oil pipeline based on large eddy simulation[J]. Processes,2020,8(1049):1-21.
●Li M,Guo J C,Zhang T,et al. Quantitative experimental study on the rule of fluid flow and its influencing factors in hydraulic fractures[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2022,214:110.
●Guo J C,Gou H R,Zhang T,et al. Experiment on proppant transport in near-well area of hydraulic fractures based on PIV/PTV[J]. Powder Technology,2022,410:117833.
●张涛,曾先进,郭建春,等. 纤维支撑剂团静态沉降速度计算方法[J].油气地质及采收率,2021,28(1):144-150