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乐橙lc8成就人生: 个人简历
●2001.09-2005.07 西南石油乐橙lc8成就人生化学化工乐橙lc8成就人生,环境工程,学士
●2005.09-2008.07 西南石油大学石油工程乐橙lc8成就人生,石油与天然气工程,硕士
●2009.09-2012.07 西南石油大学石油工程乐橙lc8成就人生,石油与天然气工程,博士
●2013.09-2014.06 四川大学高分子乐橙lc8成就人生,进修学习
●2012.07-至今 西南石油大学石油与天然气工程乐橙lc8成就人生,从事压裂酸化方向教学和研究乐橙lc8成就人生: 主要研究项目
●中海石油(中国)有限公司湛江分公司,高温高压气藏产能释放及增产技术研究,2020-2021,主持乐橙lc8成就人生: 代表性成果
●Du J,Guo G,Liu P L,et al. Experimental Study on the autogenic acid fluid system of a high-temperature carbonate reservoir by acid fracturing[J]. ACS Omega,2022,7(14):12066-12075.
●Du J,Liu J M,Zhao L Q,et al. Water-soluble polymers for high-temperature resistant hydraulic fracturing:A review[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2022,104:1-19.
●Du J,Lv C H,Lan X T,et al. A review on viscosity retention of PAM solution for polymer flooding technology[J]. PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,9:1-34.
●Du J,Xiang K,Zhao L Q,et al. Synthesis and characterization of a novel,pH-responsive,bola-based dynamic crosslinked fracturing fluid[J]. RSC ADV,2019,9(59):34389-34400.
●Du J,Wang Q,Liu P L,et al. Nanocomposite gels for water shut-off and temporary plugging in the petroleum industry:a review[J].PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,8:1-36.
●Du J,Chen Z,Chen X,et al. Numerical modeling of fracture height propagation in multilayer formations considering the plastic zone and induced stress[J]. ACS omega,2022,7(21):17868-17880.
●Du J,Liu Y,Liu P L,et al. Effect of inhibitor based on emulsion on mild steel corrosion in acid environment[J]. International Journal of Electrochemical Science,2019,14(5):4532-4545.
●Du J,He Y N,Liu P L,et al. Corrosion inhibition of N80 steel in 10% HCl+8% HBF4 solution[J]. Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials,2019(1):66.
●Du J,He Y N,Liu P L,et al. Experimental study of acidizing diversion effect on different permeability of heterogeneity sandstone reservoirs[J]. JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION,2019(9):4.
●Du J,Wang Q,Liu P L,et al,Comparative study on the use of three types of clay stabilizers in acidification[J]. PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,40(6):713-733.
●Du J,Yu M Y,Liu P L,et al,Corrosion behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel in acidizing stimulation solution for oil and gas wells at 200 degrees C[J]. ANTI-CORROSION METHODS AND MATERIALS,2022,69(2):149-159.
●Du J,Guo J H,Zhao L Q,et al. Corrosion inhibition of N80 steel simulated in an oil field acidification environment[J]. International Journal of Electrochemical Science,2018:5810-5823.
●Du J,Xiang K,Zhao L Q,et al. Corrosion inhibition of 13Cr stainless steel in HCl/HAc/HF acid solution[J]. International Journal of Electrochemical Science,2019:8919-8930.
●Chen X,Zhao L,Liu P L,Du J,et al. Laboratory study and field verification of a thermo-responsive water shutoff agent[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2021,201(2):108499.
●Chen X,Zhao L Q,Liu P L,Du J,et al. Experimental study and field verification of fracturing technique using a thermo-responsive diverting agent[J]. Journal of natural gas science and engineering,2021,92(1):1-8.
●Zhao L Q,Chen Y,Du J,et al. Experimental study on a new type of self-propping fracturing technology[J]. Energy,2019,183:249-261.