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杨小江 |
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杨小江,男,1988年生,博士,讲师,主要从事油气田增产改造工作液体系的研发,包括传统聚合物压裂液体系、高性能清洁压裂液体系、加重压裂液体系、功能性酸化液体系等,致力于将最新理论、方法和技术应用于油气田增产改造工作液新材料的研发当中。近年来主要围绕油气田增产改造工作液体系功能性添加剂的研究,在稠化剂产品及其配套添加剂方面具有较深刻的认识。2016年8月赴南非开普敦大学交流访问,2017年获国家留学基金委资助,赴加拿大卡尔加里大学公派留学一年。发表学术论文67余篇,其中SCI收录62篇,担任《FUEL》《Energy & Fuel》《Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering》《Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology》《Journal of Molecular Liquids》《Energy Sources,Part A:Recovery,Utilization,and Environmental Effects》《Petroleum》《Petroleum Science》《ACS Omega》等期刊的审稿专家。
乐橙lc8成就人生: 个人简历
●2007.09-2011.06 西安石油大学,信息与计算科学,学士
●2011.09-2014.06 西安石油大学,油气田开发工程,硕士
●2016.08-2016.09 南非开普敦大学,访问
●2015.09-2018.06 西南石油大学,油气田开发工程,博士
●2017.09-2018.09 加拿大University of Calgary,化学与石油工程系,博士联合培养
●2018.09-至今 西南石油大学石油与天然气工程乐橙lc8成就人生,任教
乐橙lc8成就人生: 主要研究项目
乐橙lc8成就人生: 代表性成果
●Yang X J,Mao J C,Zhang H,et al. Copper-catalyzed aerobic oxidation reaction of benzyl alcohol in water under base-free condition[J]. Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry,2018,38(10):2780-2783.
●Yang X J,Mao J C,Zhang Z Y,et al. Rheology of quaternary ammonium gemini surfactant solutions:effects of surfactant concentration and counterions[J]. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents,2018,21(4):467-474.
●Yang X J,Mao J C,Zhang H,et al. Reutilization of thickener from fracturing flowback fluid based on Gemini cationic surfactant[J]. Fuel,2019,Vol.235:670-676.
●Yang X J,Mao J C,Chen Z X,et al. Clean fracturing fluids for tight reservoirs:opportunities with viscoelastic surfactant[J]. Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects,2019,41(12):1446-1459.
●Yang X J,Mao J C,Zhang W L,et al. Tertiary cross-linked and weighted fracturing fluid enables fracture stimulations in ultra high pressure and temperature reservoir[J]. Fuel,2020,Vol.268:117222.
●Yang X J,Mao J H,Mao J C,et al. The role of KCl in cationic Gemini viscoelastic surfactant based clean fracturing fluids[J]. Colloids Surf. A Physicochem. Eng. Asp.,2020,606:125510.
●Zhang Q,Mao J C,Yang X J,et al. Synthesis of a hydrophobic association polymer with an inner salt structure for fracture fluid with ultra-high-salinity water[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2022,636:128062.
●Mao J C,Yang X J,Chen Y N,et al. Viscosity reduction mechanism in high temperature of a Gemini viscoelastic surfactant (VES) fracturing fluid and effect of counter-ion salt (KCl) on its heat resistance[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2018,164:189-195.
●Mao J C,Yang X J,Wang D L,et al. A novel gemini viscoelastic surfactant (VES) for fracturing fluids with good temperature stability[J]. RSC Advances,2016,6(91):88426-88432.
●Mao J C,Yang X J,Wang D L,et al. Pd-catalyzed oxidative olefination of arenes with olefins via C-H activation:Retention of the leaving group[J]. Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry,2015,88(12):2050-2055.
●Mao J C,Yang X J,Wang D L,et al. Optimization of effective sulfur solvents for sour gas reservoir[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2016,36:463-471.
●Mao J C,Yang X J,Yan H,et al. Effective Synthesis of Benzyl 3-Phenylpropiolates Via Copper(I)-Catalyzed Esterification of Alkynoic Acids with Benzyl Halides Under Ligand-Free Conditions[J]. Catalysis Letters,2016,146(5):886-892.
●Mao J C,Wang D L,Yang X J,et al. Application and optimization:Non-aqueous fracturing fluid from phosphate ester synthesized with single alcohol[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2016,147:356-360.
●Mao J C,Liu J W,Wang H B,Yang X J,et al. Novel terpolymers as viscosity reducing agent for Tahe super heavy oil[J]. RSC Advances,2017,7(31):19257-19261.
●Zhang W L,Mao J C,Yang X J,et al. Study of a novel gemini viscoelastic surfactant with high performance in clean fracturing fluid application[J]. Polymers,2018,10(11):1215.
●Mao J C,Zhang C,Yang X J,et al. Investigation on problems of wastewater from hydraulic fracturing and their solutions[J]. Water Air Soil Pollut.,2018,229(8):246.
●Mao J C,Wang D L,Yang X J,et al. Experimental study on high temperature resistance aluminum-crosslinked non-aqueous fracturing fluids[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids,2018,258:202-210.
●Mao J C,Kang Z,Yang X J,et al. Synthesis and performance evaluation of a nanocomposite pour-point depressant and viscosity reducer for high-pour-point heavy oil[J]. Energy & Fuels,2020,34(7):7965-7973.
●Zhang W L,Mao J C,Yang X J,et al. Effect of propylene glycol substituted group on salt tolerance of a cationic viscoelastic surfactant and its application for brine-based clean fracturing fluid[J]. Colloids Surf. A Physicochem. Eng. Asp.,2020,584:124043.
●Mao J C,Wang C,Yang X J,et al. Self-diverting acid system with retarding function for heterogeneous carbonate reservoirs stimulation[J]. J. Surfactants Deterg.,2020,23(4):831-839.
●Zhang W L,Mao J C,Yang X J,et al. Development of a sulfonic gemini zwitterionic viscoelastic surfactant with high salt tolerance for seawater-based clean fracturing fluid[J]. Chemical Engineering Science,2019,207:688-701.
●Zhang W L,Mao J C,Yang X J,et al. Development of a Stimuli-Responsive Gemini Zwitterionic Viscoelastic Surfactant for Self-Diverting Acid[J]. J. Surfactants Deterg.,2019,22(3):535-547.
●Mao J C,Wang D L,Yang X J,et al. Exploration of low adsorption surfactants for reservoir stimulation[J]. Journal of The Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2019,95:424-431.
●Zhang Z Y,Mao J C,Yang X J,et al. Advances in waterless fracturing technologies for unconventional reservoirs[J]. Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects,2019,41(2):237-251.
●Huang Z G,Mao J C,Cun M,Yang X J,et al. Polyhydroxy cationic viscoelastic surfactant for clean fracturing fluids:Study on the salt tolerance and the effect of salt on the high temperature stability of wormlike micelles[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids,2022,366:120354.
●Lin C,Mao J H,Mao J C,Yang X J,et al. Experimental Study on the Strength and Failure Mechanism of Hollow Hot Dry Rocks Under Brazilian Splitting Tests[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,2022(9):11125-11134.
●Mao J C,Xue J X,Zhang H,Yang X J,et al. Investigation of a hydrophobically associating polymer’s temperature and salt resistance for fracturing fluid thickener[J]. Colloid and Polymer Science,2022(5):1-2.
●Mao J C,Huang Z G,Cun M,Yang X J,et al. Effect of spacer hydroxyl number on the performance of Gemini cationic viscoelastic surfactant for fracturing fluids[J]. Journal Of Molecular Liquids,2022,46:117889.
●Mao J C,Liao Z J,Jiang J X,Yang X J,et al. One practical CaCl2-weighted fracturing fluid for high-temperature and high-pressure reservoir[J]. Petroleum Science and Technology,2022,40:23.
●Zhang W L,Mao J C,Jia Z F,Yang X J,et al. Design of a salt-tolerant Gemini viscoelastic surfactant and the study of construction of wormlike micelle structure in high-salinity aqueous environment[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2021,631:127653.
●Xu T,Mao J C,Zhang Y,Yang X J,et al. Experimental study on high-performers quaternary copolymer based on host-guest effect[J]. Polymers,2021,13(17):2972.
●Tian J Z,Mao J C,Zhang W L,Yang X J,et al. Salinity and heat-tolerant VES (Viscoelastic Surfactant) clean fracturing fluids strengthened by a hydrophobic copolymer with extremely low damage[J]. Chemistryselect,2021,6(9):2126-2143.
●Xu T,Mao J C,Zhang Y,Yang X J,et al. Application of gemini viscoelastic surfactant with high salt in brine-based fracturing fluid[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2021,611:125838.
●Zhang H,Mao J C,Zhao J Z,Yang X J,et al. The impact of dissymmetry on the aggregation properties of heterogemini surfactants[J]. Colloids Surf. A Physicochem. Eng. Asp.,2020,585:124165.
●Tian J Z,Mao J C,Zhang W L,Yang X J,et al. Application of a zwitterionic hydrophobic associating polymer with high salt and heat tolerance in brine-based fracturing fluid[J] .POLYMERS,2019,11(12):2005.
●Mao J C,Tian J Z,Zhang W L,Yang X J,et al. Effects of a counter-ion salt (potassium chloride) on gemini cationic surfactants with different spacer lengths[J]. Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical And Engineering Aspects,2019,578:123619.
●Zhang Z Y,Mao J C,Yang B,Yang X J,et al. Experimental evaluation of a novel modification of anionic guar gum with maleic anhydride for fracturing fluid[J]. Rheologica Acta,2019,58(3-4):173-181.
●Zhang Y,Mao J C,Zhao J Z,Yang X J,et al. Preparation of a hydrophobic-associating polymer with ultra-high salt resistance using synergistic effect[J]. Polymers,2019,11(4):626.
●Zhang Y,Mao J C,Zhao J Z,Yang X J,et al. Preparation of a novel ultra-high temperature low-damage fracturing fluid system using dynamic crosslinking strategy[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal,2018,354:913-921.
●Zhao J Z,Fan J M,Mao J C,Yang X J,et al. High performance clean fracturing fluid using a new tri-cationic surfactant[J]. POLYMERS,2018,10(5):535.
●Mao J C,Li R,He Y,Yang X J,et al. Palladium-catalyzed synthesis of diarylbenzenes from coupling reactions between equal amount of diiodoarenes and arylboronic acids[J]. Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry,2016,89(4):663-669.
●杨小江,毛金成,张阳,等.一种高密度水基清洁(VES)压裂液及其稠化剂的制备:201910054916.8[P]. 2021-01-12.
●杨小江,毛金成,张恒.可回收清洁压裂液稠化剂及其制备方法、回收方法以及耐高温清洁压裂液:201810942253.9[P]. 2020-07-28.
●Yang X J,Mao J C,Zhang H. Recyclable Clean Fracturing Fluid Thickener,Preparation Method and Recovery Method Thereof,and High-Temperature Resistant Clean Fracturing Fluid:US10894761 [P]. 2021-01-19.
●Yang X J,Han D F,Mao J C,et al. Emulsifer With High Temperature Resistance,Low Viscosity and Low Corrosiveness,and Emulsified Acid System Comprising Same:US 11377589[P]. 2022-07-05.
●Mao J C,Zhang Y,Zhao J Z,Yang X J,et al. Self-Healing,Low-Damage and Ultra-High Temperature-Resistant Fracturing Fluid:US10633576[P]. 2020-04-28.
●Mao J C,Fan J M,Zhao J Z,Yang X J. Tri-cationic viscoelastic surfactant,preparation method and application thereof and clean fracturing fluid:US10870790[P]. 2020-12-22.
●毛金成,杨小江,张恒,等.一种双子两性黏弹性表面活性剂及其制备方法和以其为稠化剂的清洁压裂液:201610578298.3[P]. 2018-08-24.
●毛金成,杨小江,李勇明,等.一种新型聚醚胺类的高效硫溶剂及其制备方法:201510557711.3[P]. 2018-04-20.
●毛金成,杨小江,李勇明,等.一种常温硫溶剂及其制备方法:201510556480.4[P] 2018-06-29.
●毛金成,杨小江,李勇明,等.一种溶硫剂及其制备方法:201510557608.9[P]. 2018-07-06.