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  职        称:讲师
  所属 部门:采油所
  学科 专业:油气田开发工程
  研究 方向:提高采收率、油田化学
  联系 方式:18782954095、zs77816@163.com


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  •         赵帅,讲师,硕士生导师,西南石油大学油气田开发工程专业博士、师资博士后,俄罗斯喀山联邦大学客座研究员、联培博士。主要从事空气驱和化学驱提高采收率方面科研工作,主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目1项,主研国家科技重大专项1项、中央引导地方科技发展专项1项、俄罗斯青年科学家基金1项和中石油重大开发实验项目5项,获省部级科技进步奖一等奖1项。以第一作者/通讯作者发表学术论文41篇,其中SCI收录论文30篇(ESI全球前1%高被引论文1篇、一区7篇),出版英文专著1部,申请国家发明专利3项,登记计算机软件著作权2项,国际国内学术报告8次,《Frontiers in Energy Research》客座副主编,《International Journal of Petroleum Technology》《Journal of Energy and Natural Resources》编委,《油气藏评价与开发》首届青年编委,30种国际国内学术期刊审稿人。

    乐橙lc8成就人生:   个人简历

    ●2010.09-2014.06       西南石油大学,自动化,学士

    ●2014.09-2017.06       西南石油大学,油气田开发工程,硕士

    ●2017.09-2020.12       西南石油大学,油气田开发工程,博士

    ●2019.10-2020.10       俄罗斯喀山联邦大学石油工程系,联培博士

    ●2021.01-至今             西南石油大学石油与天然气工程乐橙lc8成就人生,讲师、博士后

    乐橙lc8成就人生:   主要研究项目




    ●俄罗斯青年科学家基金,19-73-10189,Investigation on the catalytic oxidation of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons using oil-soluble catalyst and its catalytic mechanism to determine effective catalytic methods for crude oil oxidation in in-situ combustion enhanced oil recovery technologies for hard-to-recover hydrocarbon reserves,2019-2021,排名第三






    乐橙lc8成就人生:   代表性成果


    ●Zhao S,Pu W F,Mikhail A V,et al. Influence of water on thermo-oxidative behavior and kinetic triplets of shale oil during combustion[J]. Fuel,2022,318:123690.

    ●Zhao S,Pu W F,Pan J J,et al. Thermo-oxidative characteristics and kinetics of light,heavy,and extra-heavy crude oils using accelerating rate calorimetry[J]. Fuel,2022,312:123001.

    ●Zhao S,Pu W F,Peng X Q,et al. Low-temperature oxidation of heavy crude oil characterized by TG,DSC,GC-MS,and negative ion ESI FT-ICR MS[J]. Energy,2021,214:119004.

    ●Zhao S,Gao H M,Pu W F,et al. Isothermal oxidation behavior of heavy crude oil and its low-temperature oxidized oils:implications for in-situ upgrading of heavy oil[J]. Fuel,2022,313:122704.

    ●Zhao S,Pu W,Su L,et al. Properties,combustion behavior,and kinetic triplets of coke produced by low-temperature oxidation and pyrolysis:Implications for heavy oil in-situ combustion[J]. Petroleum Science,2021,18:1483-1491.

    ●Zhao S,Pu W F,Sun B S,et al. Comparative evaluation on the thermal behaviors and kinetics of combustion of heavy crude oil and its SARA fractions[J]. Fuel,2019,239:117-125.

    ●Zhao S,Pu W F,Wei B,et al. A comprehensive investigation of polymer microspheres (PMs) migration in porous media:EOR implication[J]. Fuel,2019,235:249-258.

    ●Zhao S,Xu C Y,Pu W F,et al. Oxidation characteristics and kinetics of shale oil using high-pressure differential scanning calorimetry[J]. Energy & Fuels,2021,35,18726-18732.

    ●Zhao S,Pu W F,Mikhail A V,et al. Integrative investigation of low temperature oxidation characteristics and mechanisms of heavy crude oil[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2019,58:14595-14602.

    ●Zhao S,Pu W F,Mikhail A V,et al. Low-temperature oxidation of light and heavy oils via thermal analysis:Kinetic analysis and temperature zone division[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2018,168:246-255.

    ●Zhao S,Pu W F,Mikhail A V,et al. Comprehensive investigations into low temperature oxidation of heavy crude oil[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2018,171:835-842.

    ●Zhao S,Pu W F,Mikhail A V,et al. Thermal behavior and kinetics of heavy crude oil during combustion by high pressure differential scanning calorimetry and accelerating rate calorimetry[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2019,181:106225.

    ●Zhao S,Pu W F,Mikhail A V,et al. Oxidation characteristics of heavy oil and its SARA fractions during combustion using TG-FTIR[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2020,192:107331.

    ●Zhao S,Pu W F,Mikhail A V,et al. Low-temperature combustion characteristics of heavy oils by a self-designed porous medium thermo-effect cell[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2020:107863.

    ●Zhao S,Pu W F. Migration and plugging of polymer microspheres (PMs) in porous media for enhanced oil recovery:Experimental studies and empirical correlations[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2020,597:124774.

    ●Zhao S,Pu W F,Yuan C D,et al. Thermal behavior and kinetic triplets of heavy crude oil and Its SARA fractions during combustion by high-pressure differential scanning calorimetry [J]. Energy & Fuels,2019,33:3176-3186.

    ●Zhao S,Pu W F,Mikhail A V,et al. Evaluation of heat release caused by low-temperature oxidation of heavy oil and its SARA fractions under isothermal conditions[J]. Thermochimica Acta,2020,690:178690.

    ●Zhao S,Pu W F. Investigation into the effect of polymer microspheres (PMs) on oil-water relative permeability and oil-in-water emulsion stability for enhanced oil recovery[J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology,2020,https://doi.org/10.1080/01932691.2020.1785308.

    ●Zhao S,Pu W F,Hou J F,et al. Low-temperature oxidation and thermal kinetics analysis of light and medium crude oils[J]. Petroleum Science & Technology,2018,36:540-546.

    ●Zhao S,Pu W F,Huo J,et al. Effect of interactions between saturates-aromatics-resins-asphaltenes components on the oxidation behavior and kinetics of heavy crude oil[J]. Petroleum Chemistry,2020,60:1226-1231.

    ●Zhao S,Wang R L,Jiang F,et al. Preparation and structural analysis of a comb-like polymer through functional monomer design[J]. Polymer Engineering and Science,2021,61(11):2882-2893.


    ●Huo J,Zhao S,Pan J,et al. Evolution of mass losses and evolved gases of crude oil and its SARA components during low-temperature oxidation by isothermal TG–FTIR analyses [J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2021,https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-021-10841-z. 

    ●Pu W F,Zhao S,Wang S,et al. Investigation into the migration of polymer microspheres (PMs) in porous media:implications for profile control and oil displacement[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2018,540:265-275.

    ●Pu W F,Zhao S,Hu L Z,et al. Thermal effect caused by low temperature oxidation of heavy crude oil and its in-situ combustion behavior[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2020,184:106521.

    ●Pu W F,Zhao S,Pan J J,et al. Comparative analysis of quartz sand and detritus effects on thermal behavior and kinetics of heavy crude oil[J]. Thermochimica Acta,2018,667:153-159.

    ●Pu W F,Zhao S,Pan J J,et al. Effect of low-temperature oxidation of light oil on oil recovery during high pressure air injection[J]. Petroleum Science & Technology,2018,36:937-943.

    ●Pu W F,Zhao S,Lu X B,et al. The effect of oil properties on oil recovery in dilute surfactant flooding[J]. Petroleum Science & Technology,2016,34(8):759-764. DOI:10.1080/10916466.2016.1163398.

    ●Pu W F,Gao H M,Zhao S,et al. Microscopic Oil Displacement Mechanism of CO2 in Low-Permeability Heterogeneous Glutenite Reservoirs in the Junggar Basin[J]. ACS Omega,2022. DOI:10.1021/acsomega.1c06265.

    ●Yue L,Pu W,Zhao S,et al. A high performance magnetically responsive Janus nano-emulsifier:Preparation,emulsification characteristics,interfacial rheology,and application in emulsion flooding [J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2022,208:109478.


    ●赵帅,蒲万芬,袁成东,等.分散胶粒径与岩心孔喉尺寸匹配关系研究[C].辽宁 大连:中国石油第七届化学驱提高采收率年会,2017.







    ●Wei B,Wei P,Zhao S,et al. Lessons Learned from Our Recent Research in Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (C-EOR) Methods[M]. America:Recent Insights in Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2018.











    ●赵帅,蒲万芬.一种基于四族组分的原油氧化反应动力学模型建立方法:202110208844.5[P]. 2022-02-11.


    ●赵帅,蒲万芬.基于燃烧管实验结果计算火驱基础参数的软件V1.0 [CP/CD]. 2020SR1250174,2020-01-10.

    ●赵帅,蒲万芬.运用热分析实验数据获得原油氧化动力学三因子的软件V1.0 [CP/CD]. 2020SR1250175,2020-06-15.

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